Laura James

ddison books
About Addison books
The Addison books have relatable characters who go through similar experiences, outlandish adventures, and encounter some of the same issues as the children reading the books. The stories each highlight one letter, while taking the reader to other places, introducing different cultures, and providing new vocabulary words. The Addison books marry entertainment with education in a new and unique manner, and Laura James hopes that the Addison books entice young readers to be forever curious!

Who reads Addison books?
The Addison books provide an amusing tale, while promoting new vocabulary words and brief definitions. Children do not need to turn to the back of the book to find definitions, as they are located on the bottom of each page. Along with an entertaining tale, this process provides a less disruptive reading process.
Geared for third and fourth graders, the Addison stories are easy to follow, and when children find a difficult word, the definition is located on the bottom of each page.
Parents are reading the Addison books to younger children and enjoy the new format. They have shown great approval for having books that provide new vocabulary words and definitions.
Teachers are finding that the entertaining Addison books assist with language skills development and make great learning tools for students.